Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Cleaning...For Thoughts

This blog was actually started after a trip to MugWalls here in beautiful College Station, TX. Which happens to be my present location.
As soon as I walked in here and sat down I started thinking "I should make a blog..."
I then remembered that I actually already had a blog.

Moving onwardly,

For the sake of pretending that I have been maintaing this blog here are some postings for which I had ideas but never took the time to elaborate on:

  • The cross neckless has been replaced by Chaco's sandals. An appropriate replacement seeing as all signs seem to point to Jesus rocking similar strappy sandals in his day. Following this trend we seem to be working backwards through His life starting with His time on the cross and moving to His time spent walking around. My advice for staying ahead of the curve: invest in a carpentry belt.

These catching on is a matter of "when" not "if"...

  • Finding a penny on the sidewalk is a lot like discovering a band before they hit it big: you feel really cool until you realize how little it's worth, and that none of your friends actually care.

  • Calling someone who attends a "leadership conference" a "leader" is a lot like calling someone who attends a sporting event an "athlete." I'm not saying they aren't...I've just seen it both ways.
He's got spirit, I'll give him that...
  • Illegal narcotics are a lot like the Twilight books, I would be equally opposed to an officer searching my car if I knew my trunk was full of them.

  • A woman covered in tattoos is considered "artsy" until she is at a black-tie affair in an art gallery, then she ironically becomes considered "trashy." Which actually becomes more ironic if the gallery being shown is one of sculptures made from recycled garbage, and the tattooed woman is the artist. In which cases you would have someone "artsy" taking something "trashy" turning it "artsy" only to make themselves "trashy" in the process. Seriously, it gets complicated quick.
So seeing as it's been five months since my last post, those are five thoughts I've had in that time frame. Is this a promise to be more faithful in my updates? Not in the least. That will really depend on how often I am able to make it to MugWalls.

1 comment:

  1. Favorite one thus far. Although I do believe I say that after everyone...just some positive reinforcement that you should continue to post these so that I'll have something to read when I'm bored/procrastinating/at that awkward point in studying where there is no point in going to bed because you'd just have to get up in an hour. I'm glad I am clearly your number one fan, as I am the only one to write comments on your amazing thoughts, cause let's face it...a carpentry belt?!?! Witty and genius. So proud Samuel Ray, so proud.
